"This group has helped me in more ways that I anticipated - not only was I able to debunk many myths and stereotypes about health and eating disordered behaviors but I was able to understand my own condition and overcome it. Something that for a long time I honestly could not see an end to. Now I have the tools to continue to help myself but also others around me who are willing to start the conversation." |
"This group has helped me to realize I'm not alone. It helped me to view my body with a different lens, one that is less critical and more accepting. I came to understand that I will not find happiness in a number on a scale. I found the ability to love the little things about my body that make me unique. I feel more free today and more comfortable in being ME!" |
"The group has changed the way I look at my eating disorder. I do not feel hopeless, I feel comforted and confident that I can win this battle. Especially with all the support and new friends this group has given me." |
"This group has helped emphasize the areas that are keeping me stuck in my eating disorder and preventing me from fully living. It served to de-normalize those behaviors and inspired me to keep fighting!" |
"The treatment group has immensely impacted me! Over the past 8 weeks I have grown to better understand my disordered eating, and as a result have made a lot of progress on my journey to heal. The women in this group were vulnerable, and willing to show up fully, which is what provided me with the space to do the same." |
"Personally I feel much happier and healthier at the conclusion of this group. I feel I have gained the skills to focus on healthy and mindful eating. Also decreasing binges and stopped purging altogether when I feel guilty. Overall I feel that I have gained better self image and turned away from the thin ideal." |
"This group has not only helped me identify my problematic eating habits, but has given me the tools and confidence needed to make necessary changes in my day-to-day life, that will give me life-long results. This 8 week course has been the best thing I've ever done for myself." |
"For me, this group has given me a safe and encouraging space to open up about a part of my life that had been hidden for so long. I can honestly say that the things I have learned and tools I was given have helped tremendously, and I know I will continue to use them in the future. This group has been a safe haven and a blessing that I am truly grateful." |
"This group led me to be more mindful of my feelings and behaviors and I've learned how to challenge my negative thoughts. Meeting people who have similar struggles has helped me feel less alone in my journey to recovery. I'd recommend a group like this to everyone." |
"Participating in this project has helped both my physical behavior and the way I view myself. I still have things to work on but this program helped me start making important changes that lead to a better and healthier lifestyle." |
"This group has helped me realize the costs of my behaviors and forced me to talk about them, which helped me finally realize how poorly I was treating myself. I firmly believe that being in this group is what enabled me to end my eating disorder behaviors." |
"It was really helpful meeting with other women who also struggled with body image and disordered eating issues. Knowing I wasn't alone and then having a safe space to open up about those issues made me feel better. The exercises were useful in working on some of the disordered eating habits I had and now I feel that I have more tools and the right mindset to finally combat my eating disorder and improve my relationship with my body." |
"Feeling myself grow and watching my classmates grow has been such an inspirational experience and has helped me realize that I have the power within myself to make the changes I want to see in myself" |
"This has been a lifestyle change I would not want anyone to miss. It has helped me with my eating disorder, made my family closer, and provided me a happier life." |
"For anyone who has been struggling with self-image and unhealthy eating behaviors, this group is a great way to begin helping yourself find a solution to your issues!" |
"Meeting weekly to talk about body image and the thin ideal helped me to learn about and stop resorting to unhealthy eating habits. The group was a safe space to be honest." |
"The group has given me the tools I need to live a healthier life. Body acceptance and healthy eating habits are not quick fixes, but they are long term goals that I am excited to achieve." |
"This group allowed me to see that I'm not alone in my struggles and to be held accountable for my eating habits was valuable. It made me realize the extent to which my problems have infiltrated my daily life." |
"This group has brought me new levels of self awareness I likely couldn't have found without sharing and hearing personal experiences with others that go through similar struggles, a self awareness that women like me typically lack. The process was not easy, but I undoubtedly feel it's brought me and the people in my group beneficial information about common misconceptions often overlooked when one face's these struggles alone." |
"Attending these meetings has gotten me to acknowledge my problem. They got me to think about it, talk about it, but also to combat it. As a participant, I was given multiple exercises to work on that were surprisingly helpful. For example, it seems silly, but giving yourself even one compliment while you look at yourself in the mirror can actually be incredibly uplifting. The sessions got me to a better mentality and helped me develop healthier habits." |
"This group went a long way towards helping me address the unhealthy behaviors that have plagued me for years. It isn't a quick fix or a magic answer, but rather a means of empowering me to work towards valuing my own health and well-being." |
"I was older than most of the girls in my group but I still felt part of the group. Our little group become a type of comradery, sharing in each others' ups and downs. Being accountable to not only myself, but these girls too, makes me feel like I am making progress towards a better me!" |
"This group has been really helpful in my battle against myself. It is amazing what talking every week about your struggles does to help resolve them." |
"This group showed me that I am not alone in my eating disorder and that there are healthy steps I can take to overcome a life-long struggle while keeping my daily life positive." |
"This group has been beneficial to my personal well being in a number of ways, one of them was the realization that I am not alone and that other women around me have the same or similar body image concerns. This group has taught me ways to accept myself the way I am, as well as the importance of planning my day and not falling into the rabbit hole of my previous eating disorder." |